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License Hathr AI’s software to build your own federally compliant AI or buy subscriptions for your team.

On average, Hathr AI saves clients >$400K and 6 months per AI project by providing a compliant, standalone, GenAI solution.

Stop giving away your data for free

When you use other AI Tools, it’s as safe as screaming your private information at a bus stop.

Hathr AI is different.  We keep your data safe and we never share your data. Ever.

Check out our privacy and user agreements – 

Unlike Big Tech, you can see how we legally give up any right to your data.

Hathr AI also protects your data by conforming to NIST800-171 Controls and is hosted in AWS GovCloud, a FedRamp High Environment.

Hathr interface visualized within a computer screen

What is Hathr?

Hathr is a fully private Generative AI (GenAI) tool designed for secure, conversational interactions. For everything from text generation and analysis to coding, our proprietary tool is one of the most powerful on the market.

Hathr’s model creates content by using its internal context, and pairs it with documents uploaded by you to generate new, original content. Where tools like GPT or Gemini make copies and reuse your data, we never do that. Hathr keeps your data 100% private and secure.

Learn how Hathr keeps your data safe while giving you the power of AI.

Hathr is a game changer.

Our team can now go through a document in seconds and start responding to sections of the proposal. It’s all private so I’m not worried that GPT will just feed all my competitors what made us win the bid.

– Paul D.
Government Contracting

Research hundreds of pages in minutes.

We were doing a Dam audit and when you do that, you need to go through a ton of documents quickly and efficiently. We were able to research hundreds of pages in minutes, versus how we used to do it over weeks.

– Sarah M.
Energy and Infrastructure

I don’t have to worry about leaking data.

I uploaded all the documents from my technical team and then asked Hathr to create an outline and draft sections based on the technical docs. Since it’s all private, I don’t have to worry about leaking my company’s proprietary data when I upload a document.

– Ryan K.
Technical Writing

Stay secure, private, and compliant

Hathr adheres to NIST800-171 and FedRAMP High Standards on AWS Govcloud


Hathr adheres to NIST800-171 and FedRAMP High Controls.  

We are the only AI system that keeps your information completely segmented from other users.

Hathr AI Employees are US Citizens

Hathr AI is run on AWS GovCloud which can handle CUI and specifically IL 2,4, and 5 data, among other compliance programs.

Hathr saves you time and money.

Move fast, stay private.

Use Hathr.